VXFORM5 Aircraft Record Form2% Q AirStatus MS Serif AirExit E&xit AirMemo &Memo 5 AirDelete &Delete 3 AirCancel &Cancel AirSave &Save AirFuel MS Serif AirEmpty MS Serif Picture1 Frame13 Avionics MS Serif AirDeice Deice MS Serif AirELT MS Serif AirRadarAlt Radar Altimeter MS Serif AirAudioPan Audio Panel MS Serif AirAutoP Auto Pilot MS Serif Air3LMB MS Serif AirRadar Radar MS Serif AirGlideSl GlideSlope MS Serif AirRMI MS Serif AirXpndr Transponder MS Serif AirHSI MS Serif AirADF MS Serif AirRnav MS Serif AirNav2 NavCom2 MS Serif AirDME MS Serif AirNav1 NavCom1 MS Serif AirGross MS Serif AirTTSN MS Serif Y AirAnnual MS Serif AirYear MS Serif AirPrice MS Serif Picture2 AirSTOH MS Serif AirSPOH MS Serif AirSMOH MS Serif Label16 MS Serif Label3 MS Serif Label2 Major MS Serif Label1 Since Overhaul MS Serif AirNet MS Serif AirDesc MS Serif AirTypeHelp MS Serif AirType MS Serif AirNNo MS Serif AirCode MS Serif Label15 Fuel Cap MS Serif Label14 Empty Wt MS Serif Label13 Gross Wt MS Serif Label12 MS Serif Label11 Annual MS Serif Label10 MS Serif Label9 Price MS Serif Label8 MS Serif Label7 Description MS Serif Label6 MS Serif Label5 MS Serif Label4 MS Serif AirDataClear AirCode5 CustKey AirNNo AirType AirDesc^ AirPrice AirYear AirAnnualC AirTTSN AirSMOH AirSPOH AirSTOH AirGross AirEmpty~ AirFuelt AirNet Air3LMB Valuel AirADF AirAudioPan AirAutoPj AirDeiceP AirDME AirELT AirGlideSl AirHSI AirNav1 AirNav2 AirRadar AirRadarAltA AirRMI AirRnav AirXpndr{ AirDataLoad NumVal CursorWait0 vxField& vxDoubleC vxTrue vxUnlock CursorArrow Form_Load{ vxSelectDbf9 AircraftDbf Form5Active AircraftReturn BROWSE_ADD AirStatus AirSave< Enabled AirCancel* AirDelete FALSE: AirMemo# vxRecNo AirExit_Clickn VXFORM5 Form_UnloadN Cancel vxClose AirtypesDbfv vxWindowDereg StatesOpen AircustDbf CustReturn BROWSE_EDIT vxSeek+ VXFORM3 AirAnnual_GotFocus vxCtlLength AirNet_GotFocus AirEmpty_GotFocus% AirFuel_GotFocusF AirGross_KeyPress KeyAsciiY AirNNo_GotFocusn AirPrice_GotFocus AirSMOH_GotFocus AirSPOH_GotFocus AirSTOH_GotFocus AirTTSN_GotFocus AirType_GotFocus AirYear_GotFocus AirGross_GotFocus AirAnnual_KeyPress& AirEmpty_KeyPress: AirFuel_KeyPressM AirNet_KeyPressb AirPrice_KeyPressv AirSMOH_KeyPress AirSPOH_KeyPress AirSTOH_KeyPress AirTTSN_KeyPress AirYear_KeyPress AirNNo_KeyPress AirType_KeyPress AirCancel_ClickK AirDelete_Click vxDeleteRec AirType_LostFocus EmptyString~ AirTypeHelp_Click vxSelectNtx AirtypesNtx TypeReturn vxBrowse AirSave_Click IsTrue SeekKey vxAppendBlank vxReplString vxReplDouble9 vxWrite AirMemo_Click RecNum vxMemoEdit vxGob Form_PaintH vxFormFrameV vxCtlStyleo VX_RAISE VX_RECESS Picture2 Picture1 sTrue vxReplLogical vxRepl AirAnnual_GotFocus c_annual# AirAnnual_KeyPress {Tab}" AirCancel_Click AirDataClear AirDataLoad c_nno" c_cat" c_desc c_price" #######0 c_year c_annual c_ttsn #####0 c_smoh c_spoh c_stoh c_gwt" ####0" c_ewt" ####0" c_fuelcap" c_net" #######0 c_lmb" c_adf" c_audpan c_autop" c_deice" c_dme" c_elt" c_glidesl" c_hsi" c_navcom1" c_navcom2" c_radar" c_radaral" c_rmi" c_rnav c_xpndr" AirDelete_Click get user confirmation of delete Confirm Delete Delete failed" Delete cancelled AirEmpty_GotFocus c_ewt"# AirEmpty_KeyPress {Tab}" AirExit_Click AirFuel_GotFocus c_fuelcap"# AirFuel_KeyPress {Tab}" AirGross_GotFocus c_gwt"# AirGross_KeyPress {Tab}" AirMemo_Click Edit memo. Always have an ENABLED form showing to act as parent to the memo window.E save rec num to goto later- make sure form has focus c_memo# in case someone changed AirNet_GotFocus c_net"# AirNet_KeyPress {Tab}" AirNNo_GotFocus c_nno"# AirNNo_KeyPress convert to uppercase {Tab}" AirPrice_GotFocus c_price"# AirPrice_KeyPress {Tab}" AirSave_Click verify something in the key field Field cannot be empty" verify unique key if adding Duplicate Key on Add verify that type code is in types filet Type code not found" Data passed. Put it away replace strings c_code c_nno" c_cat" c_desc c_year c_annual replace numeric values c_price" c_ttsn c_smoh c_spoh c_stoh c_gwt" c_ewt" c_fuelcap" c_net" replace logical values value 0 will replace log field with "F" value 1 will replace log field with "T" c_lmb" c_adf" c_audpan c_autop" c_deice" c_dme" c_elt" c_glidesl" c_hsi" c_navcom1" c_navcom2" c_radar" c_radaral" c_rmi" c_rnav c_xpndr" Update status box Record " appended" Record " saved AirSMOH_GotFocus c_smoh# AirSMOH_KeyPress {Tab}" AirSPOH_GotFocus c_spoh# AirSPOH_KeyPress {Tab}" AirSTOH_GotFocus c_stoh# AirSTOH_KeyPress {Tab}" AirTTSN_GotFocus c_ttsn# AirTTSN_KeyPress {Tab}" AirType_GotFocus c_cat"# AirType_KeyPress convert to uppercase {Tab}" AirType_LostFocus catname" AirTypeHelp_Click Aircraft Type Help re-register databasec category catname" AirYear_GotFocus c_year# AirYear_KeyPress {Tab}" Form_Load Record addition request" call general proc to load controls Edit record Form_Paint Form_Unload close aircraft file